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Fosters Urgently Needed!
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foster a pet

Save a Life

The current demand for services is unprecedented, and we urgently need more homes! Fosters provide temporary homes for pets in our care – either until pets can be reunited with their families, or until we find them new forever homes. When you open up your home to our animals in need, you provide them with food, shelter, and much-needed socialization and care. Become a foster and help to save more lives!

Important Dates

April 23: National Lost Dog Awareness Day

National Lost Dog Awareness Day is a canine-focused day aimed to bring attention to dogs that are lost each year, while also celebrating those dogs successfully reunited with their families.

May 14: Disaster Animal Preparedness Day

In 2010 the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated the second Saturday in May as National Disaster Animal Preparedness Day, to help pet families focus on the importance of having a family disaster plan that also includes their pets.


April 30: Adopt a shelter pet day

A day to raise awareness for the millions of animals waiting for their forever homes in shelters. Are you ready to bring home your new best friend? Your local shelter is a great place to start your search!

May 17-19: Congress on Planetary Health

Lectures & workshops centered on the theme of Animal Wellbeing and how a focus on animal health & wellness might be leveraged toward the goal of planetary health. Visit for more information.